SOURCE: Families and Schools Together INC |
AFACe- News Updates
Collective Roots - Food Sustainability
Advocates for Environmental Human Rights- Organization
Urban Habit - Race, Poverty, and the Environment
EDUCATE! Inform your community about the effects of poverty as a social problem.
JOIN! Help the cause by supporting local and national organizations.
ACT! Lead by example for in your neighborhoods and create your own coalition of advocates.
Additional Information on Solutions and World Poverty
U.S. Census Bureau - Poverty Statistics
World Hunger and Poverty - Additional Information
World Poverty - Proposed Solutions
Brookings Institute- Washington D.C.
CARE - Humanitarian Organization
WRITE! Draft a letter to your Senator stating your opposition for Chairman Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal.
MOBILIZE! Protest Paul Ryan's proposal and demand a change in the poverty rates in American for all people.