The counteraction of present day legislation and policies constitute an adverse effect on the “War on Poverty” and its mission to reduce this social problem because it prolongs the creation of a workable solution.
“Government By People Who Hate You” was published by Dean Baker on Truthout Organizations’ website as an article discussing the House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and his recent proposition. Ryan’s budget proposal involves cutting Medicare which will directly effect future retirees because citizens would have to pay nearly half of their income to purchase a package of equivalence. The “punditry” supported the proposed activity, agreeing that it would tackle the serious problem of runaway entitlement spending and remedy the enormous deficit . Baker asserts that the underlying action of Ryan’s plan aims to redistribute money into the accounts of the already wealthy at the expense of the masses. Thereby, illustrating the United States’ political system as being run by a few officials and elites who are “completely removed from the bulk of the population.” Under this proposal, it would cost more than $60,000 dollars for each person to purchase a health care package which will, in turn, create an added cost of more than $20 trillion dollars over the next 75 years. The money would essentially be transferred from the income of ordinary workers to pharmaceutical companies as well as medical specialists. Health care reforms are not a novel issue or debate because the Obama administration has made efforts to control the cost, but Baker claims that Ryan’s proposal disregards cost control boundaries and basically ensures unaffordable health care. Baker describes Ryan’s plan to be as serious “as a robber with a gun pointed at your head.”
SOURCE: University Hospital of Cincinnati |
The impact of Ryan’s proposal lies within the potential drastic moderation and alterations that Americans, mainly the future retirees of the current working population and my generation, will experience in reference to our standard of living and the security of it thereafter. According to political science, Robert Michels’ “Iron Law of Oligarchy” states that any organization, regardless of how democratic the intentions and claims seem to be, will always be run by a small elite in power as reflected in this current debate (Roskin 2010). The importance of this legislation is that it can potentially privatize the health care and insurance companies. This will compromise the economy with concentrated funds in the hands of the top percent of the population. Monetary gains to the already wealthy will further the gap between rich and poor by creating a breeding ground for high poverty rates to soar. It is up to the masses and the citizens of this country to mobilize, deviating from an elite driven society, and refer to the greater good of the common and majority people.
"Power of the People: We as individuals acting together have the power to influence this process, but we must engage early and decisively to make this happen" (End Poverty 2015 Campaign).
SOURCE : The Buffalo News 2006, Adam Zygus |
Baker, Dean. “Government by People Who Hate You.” Truthout.
Truthout Organization. 11 April 2011. Web. 12 April 2011.
Truthout Organization. 11 April 2011. Web. 12 April 2011.
Roskin, M.G. Political Science: An Introduction.
11th ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Longman. 2010. Print.
“Messaging.” Stand Up and Take Action.
End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign. Web. 20 April 2011.
“Messaging.” Stand Up and Take Action.
End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign. Web. 20 April 2011.